Friday, December 10, 2010


After reading Myah's and Jenna's blogs I have realized that there may in fact be something that involves the oranges. I also found a really good website that supports the theory of the oranges having some significance.

It says that the oranges are a signal of death, or fatal injury

For example:

When Don Vito Corleone gets shot, displaying the allusion of the Christ figure, he got out of the car to the fruit stand, to buy some oranges, then, as he falls, he knocks over the orange stand, making the fruit roll into the street; referring to the added picture on the right.

In the scene that involves the death of Vito Corleone, He and his grandson, Anthony, just happen to be playing in an orchard made entirely of orange plants (trees? I do not know, but they did not look like trees, so I just going to say plants.) Also, when he does actually die in said orchard, he has an orange in his mouth.

I would love to say all of the examples, but they are all on the website.

After reading Neil's entry, I realized that I have missed a lot, I will be editing this entry when I re-watch the movie.

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